
In the first few weeks of my AP CSP class, we dove into coding and tackled some exciting projects like creating a snake game, calculator, and table using JavaScript. This hands-on experience has been a revelation for me in terms of what coding can teach and the sense of accomplishment it brings. Building the snake game introduced me to game development, user interaction, and the intricate workings of game mechanics. Crafting a calculator helped me grasp data manipulation and the art of designing user-friendly interfaces. Finally, constructing a table showcased my ability to organize and present data effectively. These experiences have shown me that coding is a powerful tool for bringing ideas to life, and witnessing these projects come together has boosted my confidence in taking on more complex challenges in the future.


And Why Most of Them Are Accomplishments

  1. Syntax Errors
  2. Type Errors
  3. Not Testing Code
  4. Poor Code Organization

It's important to recognize the common mistakes I made this last week as an experience coder. By making all of these mistakes, I gained experience with debugging on my own, allowing me to develop important problem solving skills.