Question 4

In a certain computer program, two positive integers are added together, resulting in an overflow error. Which of the following best explains why the error occurs?

A - The program attempted to perform an operation that is considered an undecidable problem.

B - The precision of the result is limited due to the constraints of using a floating-point representation.

C - The program can only use a fixed number of bits to represent integers; the computed sum is greater than the maximum representable value.

D - The program cannot represent integers; the integers are converted into decimal approximations, leading to rounding errors.

- Answer: D

- Correct Answer: C

- Explanation: The overflow error occurs in the program because it can only use a fixed number of bits to represent integers, and the computed sum exceeds the maximum representable value. This limitation leads to an overflow condition where the result cannot be accurately stored within the allocated bits.

Question 10

- Answer: D

- Correct Answer: B

- Explanation: The given code initializes the variable “cost” to 6, representing the base ticket price. Subsequently, it increments the cost by 2 for individuals older than 12. Additionally, irrespective of age, there is an additional increase of 2 in the cost for those participating in a guided tour.

Question 11

- Answer: B

- Correct Answer: A

- Explanation: 11110000 -> 240 not 224

Question 18

- Answer: D

- Correct Answer: B

- Explanation: The provided code snippet directs the robot to advance when facing an open square. Upon encountering an absence of an open square in front, the robot executes a right turn. This sequence guides the robot’s movement: forward to the upper right corner, right turn, forward to the bottom right corner, right turn, forward to the bottom left corner, right turn, and finally advancing two squares to reach the gray square.

Question 22

- Answer: B

- Correct Answer: D

- Explanation: This spinner features three possible outcomes: “Lose a turn,” “Move 2 spaces,” and “Move 1 space.” The variable ‘spin’ is assigned a random value between 1 and 8. When ‘spin’ equals 1 (occurring a certain percentage of the time), the code outputs “Lose a turn.” If ‘spin’ equals 2 (occurring another percentage of the time), the code displays “Move 2 spaces.” For the rest of the cases, the code outputs “Move 1 space.”

Question 23

- Answer: A

- Correct Answer: D

- Explanation: The code statement achieves the same functionality as the flowchart by setting ‘available’ to true when both ‘weekday’ is true and ‘miles’ is less than 20. Otherwise, it sets ‘available’ to false.

Question 24

- Explanation: The initial value of ‘val’ is 0, and it undergoes successive increments by 2, counting even integers rather than odd integers.

Question 26

- Explanation: Metadata refers to information about data itself; details such as the date and time of image creation are categorized as descriptive information pertaining to the image.

Question 30

- Explanation: If the initial value of ‘n’ is 5, the first IF condition will be satisfied, leading to an increment of ‘n’ by 1. Subsequently, the next IF condition will also be fulfilled as ‘n’ is now at least 1. However, the subsequent IF condition will be false since ‘n’ is less than 30. Similarly, the following IF condition will also be false because ‘n’ is less than 10. Consequently, the output will be “too low.”

Question 35

- While the MaxFour procedure computes the maximum among several values, akin to the MaxTwo and MaxThree procedures, it does not extend this functionality to calculate the maximum across any arbitrary number of values.

Question 37

- Explanation: The given code segment is designed to draw four line segments. These segments connect the points (2, 6) to (8, 6), (2, 6) to (8, 4), (2, 6) to (8, 2), and (2, 6) to (8, 0).

Question 45

- Explanation: Within this code segment, the variable ‘flip’ is assigned one of four values: 0, 1, 2, or 3. The player achieves victory in approximately three out of every four instances, specifically when ‘flip’ is not equal to 3.

Question 52

- Explanation: Statement I is accurate. The REPEAT UNTIL loop concludes when ‘hours’ reaches at least 24 or ‘currentPop’ falls to 0 or below. Statement III, however, is incorrect. The simulation showcases the population changes throughout the entire simulation period.

Question 54

- Explanation: The loop is intended to iterate through all elements of originalList, not through all elements of newList.

Question 55

- Explanation: Initiating the process by writing a height at the top of the card and a 2 at the bottom sets the algorithm to yield the sum of the heights at the top and twice the number of people at the bottom on the last person’s card. Dividing the top by the bottom will result in half the average height instead of the actual average height.

Question 57

- Explanation: Internet communications are not inherently designed to be entirely secure.

Question 58

- Explanation: In this set of inputs, the IF condition x = y evaluates to false, triggering the execution of the ELSE statement. Subsequently, the expression y = z also evaluates to false, aligning with the intended outcome of returning false.

Question 60

- Explanation: As an example, let’s consider that list1 contains [10, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] and list2 contains [20, 20, 40, 60, 80]. The first line of code generates newList1, comprising [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60]. The second line of code produces newList2, consisting of [20, 40, 60, 80]. The third line of code forms bothList, which includes [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 20, 40, 60, 80]. However, the fourth line of code incorrectly assigns to count the length of newList1 (6) plus the length of newList2 (4) minus the length of bothList (10), yielding the incorrect result of 0.


Concepts I Struggle With:

  1. Drawing Line Segments
  2. Random Value Assignment
  3. Population Simulation Loop
  4. Loop Iteration through a List
  5. Average Height Calculation
  6. Internet Communications Security
  7. Conditional Statement Evaluation
  8. List Operations and Counting

How to Improvement and Study

  • Watch collegboard videos
  • Ask team for help with comprehension
  • Google
  • Watch more related videos

Final Reflection

While my overall score of 49/67 leaves me somewhat dissatisfied, I view it as an opportunity for growth and learning from my mistakes. This experience will serve as a guide for focused improvement on challenging topics. My strategy for review and study involves utilizing previous team teachings and watching explanatory YouTube videos to better understand the intricacies of each subject as expected by College Board. Despite my initial reservations, I believe I’ve acquired a wealth of new knowledge, making me content with my progress and development throughout this trimester, particularly in this class. Having joined a new team, I am optimistic that my teammates will provide valuable support, aiding me in addressing my weaknesses and enhancing my performance in the course.