Binary Logic Ideation

  • Compilation of various binary-related and sourced activites
    • Similar to CoolMathGames, but 3 games and solely binary-related 1. Binary Checkers 2. Binary Blue vs. Red Game 3. Binary 4. Score Tracker Using Binary System


Binary Checkers

Binary Checkers is a binary-themed version of the classic Checkers game. Players move binary pieces on a checkerboard, capturing opponent pieces by jumping over them and converting them to binary 1s.

Coding Plan

  • Create a checkerboard grid and represent the pieces with binary values (0 and 1).
  • Implement the rules of movement and capturing for binary checkers.
  • Develop an interactive game interface, allowing users to make moves by clicking on the squares.
  • Incorporate logic to detect and execute binary conversions when a piece is captured.

Binary Blue vs. Red Game

In the Binary Red/Blue game, users interact with a grid of red and blue squares. When a square is clicked, its binary value and the values of neighboring squares change. The objective is to make all squares the same color by manipulating their binary states.

Coding Plan

  • Create a grid structure and represent colors with binary values (0 for red, 1 for blue).
  • Implement logic to update the binary values of clicked squares and their neighbors.
  • Develop an interactive interface for users to click on squares and observe color changes.
  • Include a win condition check to determine when all squares are the same color.
  • Add visual effects and animations to enhance the gaming experience.

Binary Sudoku

The Binary Sudoku game is a unique twist on the classic Sudoku, where instead of using numbers 1-9, players use binary digits 0 and 1. The challenge is to fill a 3x3 grid within each larger 9x9 grid, ensuring that each row and column adds up to 3 in binary.

Coding Plan

  • Create a 9x9 grid structure for the Sudoku board.
  • Implement logic to generate a solvable binary Sudoku puzzle.
  • Provide an interactive interface for users to input their binary values.
  • Develop a validation system to check if the entered values satisfy the binary Sudoku rules.

Binary Score Tracker

The Binary Score Tracker is a tool to keep track of users’ scores and achievements using the binary system. Users earn binary points, and their overall score is displayed in binary format.

Coding Plan

  • Create a user profile system to store scores and achievements.
  • Represent scores and achievements using binary numbers.
  • Implement a scoring mechanism that converts traditional scores into binary.
  • Display the user’s overall score in binary format on their profile.
  • Include features such as score history, achievements, and leaderboard.


Graders: Nitin, Ishan, Akshay, Saatvik Score: 0.95/1.00

  • Great ideation and concept ideas, improve on detail and binary aspect.