Alara's Webpage

This is my first blog ever! I hope you enjoy.

About Me

My name is Alara Ipek and for most of my life I lived in different areas of New York. As a result of growing up around snow, I love skiing and snowboarding. My hobbies include reading, playing piano, and surfing. Finally, my favorite destination I’d love to travel to but have yet to visit is Italy.

How This Blog Was Made

Throughout the first week of installations, I learned how to set up and use the development environment, VS Code. Along the way, my partner and I faced many challenges, but consequently developed debugging and problem solving skills. Many times, the issues Alisha and I encountered were of our own error. For example, we often mistyped a line of code and would run into a bug. However, we were able to ask each other questions and debug our mistakes through communication and collaboration.


Besides coding, we also were introduced to new organizational tools online such as Scrum Board. Through Scrum Boards, we created the timeline shown above and planned due dates for installations to keep us on track throughout the project.

Final Thoughts

Although Alisha and I are new to web development, we are grateful to have shared this experience and gain knowledge about the installation process.